In this course, you will find Sequential videos for Unit 3 of NTA NET second paper for Education i.e.Research Aptitude according to the syllabus of NTA NET.
Syllabus for NTA NET Paper 2 (Education)
Unit 3: Learner and Learning Process
Growth and Development
Cognitive Processes and stages of Cognitive Development
This section does not have any lessons.
This section does not have any lessons.
Theories of Personality
This section does not have any lessons.
Mental health and Mental hygiene
This section does not have any lessons.
Course Information
Categories: NTA NET, NTA NET Paper 2 (Education)
Course Instructor
Growth and Development
Cognitive Processes and stages of Cognitive Development
This section does not have any lessons.
This section does not have any lessons.
Theories of Personality
This section does not have any lessons.
Mental health and Mental hygiene
This section does not have any lessons.