Back to: Paper 1 Unit 2: Research Aptitude (शोध अभिवृत्ति)
Lesson 2.3
What is Historical Research (ऐतिहासिक अनुसंधान)?
- Historical research is a qualitative technique.
- Historical research studies the meaning of past events in an attempt to interpret the facts and explain the cause of events, and their effect in the present events.
- In this researcher uses documents and remains containing and narrating historical facts to study events or ideas.
Definition Historical Research (ऐतिहासिक अनुसंधान)?
“Historical research is the critical investigation of events development, and experiences of the past, the careful weighing of the evidence of the validity of sources of information of the past and the interpretation of the weighted evidences.”
ऐतिहासिक अनुसंधान अतीत की घटनाओं, विकास क्रमों तथा अनुभूतियों का तर्क संगत अन्वेषण है। इससे अतीत की सूचनाओं व सूचना सूत्रों के संबंध में प्रमाणों की वैधता का सावधानी पूर्वक परीक्षण किया जाता है और परीक्षण किए गए प्रमाणों की सावधानी पूर्वक व्याख्या की जाती है। – Karlinger
“The Historical method is the induction of principles Through research in to the post social forces and influences which have shaped the present”
“ऐतिहासिक अनुसंधान, आगमन के सिधान्त के आधार पर अतीत की उन सामाजिक शक्तियों की खोज है, जिसने वर्तमान को एक विशेष रूप प्रदान किया है।” -Young (1966)
“It is a truthful integrated account of the relationships between persons, events, times and places” -Best & Khan (2006)
Purpose of Historical Research
- To know & understand the past and then try to understand present and make prediction for future.
- To know how and why theories and practices have been developed.
- To understand fully the present (educational) practices and policies.
- To identify reasons to develop new theories and practices.
- To understand the historical aspect of research problem.
Steps of Historical Research
Historical Research uses
Characteristics of Historical Research
- Mostly qualitative in nature.
- Every thing is depends on the researcher’s personal judgment.
- It involves the careful study and analysis of data about past events.
- Typically relies on available data which are in form of diaries, letters, newspaper, reports and so on.
- It has time and place dimensions. Simple chronology is not considered historical research because it does not interpret the meaning of events.
- Helpful in understanding the nature and process of change and development.
Advantages of Historical Research
- Analysis of historical data may help explain current and future events within the context of experiences of the past.
- Researcher can rationally and objectively analyze events of the past.
- The researcher is not involved in the situation that is studied.
- The researcher do not interact with the subjects of study.
Limitations of Historical Research
- These are complex and broad because the topics of research are affected by numerous factors that need to be considered and analyzed.
- Historical data is incomplete and vulnerable to time (documents can be destroyed by wars or over time).
- Historical research data, is subject to external criticism (verification of genuineness or validity of the source) and internal criticism (exploring the meaning of the source).
- No scope to control and manipulate any variable.
- No way the researcher can affect the events of the past.
- No data collection is possible by administering any tool.
- Whole research excessively relies on secondary data.